Showing Tag: "laws" (Show all posts)

How To Minimum wage and overtime in CT labor laws

Posted by Lisabeth Antoine on Tuesday, June 19, 2012,

Employees in Connecticut are entitled to a minimum wage of at least $8.25 an hour unless the person is a minor. They should also be paid weekly unless the worker himself states otherwise. If an employee works overtime, then he has the right to get paid for the extra work. Overtime is calculated as having worked for more than 40 hours a week. However, the rule doesn’t apply to a worker who works over 8 hours for a single day. Also, if an employee works on a Sunday, he isn’t entitled to rec...

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What are ct labor Laws

Posted by Lisabeth Antoine on Monday, June 11, 2012,

The Ct Labor Laws are various, according to the different sectors, for example, we have minimum wages laws, according to it the employers cannot pay its employees below the wages, the state has fixed.

If an employer chooses to pay employees minimum wage, the employer must pay those employees in accordance with the minimum wage law, either federal or state, that results in the employees being paid the higher wages.

Other laws are , Equal Pay Act, Fair Labor Standards , Parallel Connecticut an...

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